New Jersey Services

Postpartum Doula Packages

Enjoy discounted pricing when you book packages of 3 nights a week for 6 weeks or more! We understand every family's needs are unique — let us customize a package just for you.

To help you decide how we can help you through the postpartum period, here are some commonly requested frequencies of our postpartum doula services. Prices are based on our standard rates, with day shifts lasting 4 hours and night shifts lasting 8 hours. Ask about our discounts for paying in full.

New Jersey Daytime Packages

Fostering Foundations - $2640

3 days a week for 4 weeks

Nurturing Care - $5280

3 days a week for 8 weeks

New Jersey Evening Packages

Rest and Recovery - $7775

3 nights a week for 6 weeks

Tranquil Twilight - $13,568

5 nights a week for 2 weeks, 3 nights a week for 4 weeks, 2 nights a week for 4 weeks, 1 night a week for 2 weeks (32 nights over 12 weeks).

Bedtime BounceBack - $21,632

7 nights a week for 2 weeks, 5 nights a week for 6 weeks, 3 nights a week for 2 weeks, 1 night a week for 2 weeks (52 nights over 12 weeks).

New Jersey Combination Packages

First Moments - $5800

24 hours per day for the first 2 you’re home from the hospital, then 12 hours a day for the next 5 days. Total hours of care: 108 hours.

Slumber and Support - $13,825

4 days and 3 nights a week for the first 2 weeks, then 3 nights a week for 8 weeks

Lights and Nights - $13,300

2 days and 3 nights a week for 8 weeks (16 days and 24 nights over 8 weeks)

Rest and Relax - $25,200

5 nights a week for 12 weeks (60 nights)

Try A Postpartum Doula

One Day Visit (4 Hours) - $250

One Night Visit (8 Hours) - $450

Discounted rates apply if you choose to continue ongoing doula support.

Custom plans of varying shift times and frequencies are also available to meet each family’s unique needs. We also have custom packages for twins, triplets, quads, etc. Our staff has extensive experience with premature babies and multiples.

In-Home Therapeutic Massages

Sarah is a licensed massage therapist with certifications in prenatal massage, neuromuscular therapy, and myofascial release. She has spent the past few years working at a chiropractic wellness center, treating numerous patients, including women at every stage of pregnancy through postpartum.

Sarah has a lifetime of experience with babies and children, having three of her own, two stepchildren, and six grandchildren. Mothering has been one of her greatest joys in life, and she feels blessed to have them all. She hopes to help women in any way she can as they journey through motherhood.

Her love for God and people is the guiding force in her life. She enjoys spending time with her family at church, being outdoors in the sunshine, walking, gardening, and taking trips to the beach.


30 min - $75

60 min - $140

90 min - $165 / Recommended for prenatal